Designing a new experiment

Getting started

For a broad overview of the components involved in defining an experiment, see paradigms_overview.

Core plugins

Psiexperiment ships with five core plugins that are always loaded when an experiment is started:

  • Context -

  • Data - Manages saving, analysis and plotting of data.

  • Controller - Manages experiment.

  • Token - Manages generation of both epoch (i.e., finite in duration) and continuous (i.e., infinite in duration) waveforms.

  • Calibration - Manages calibrations of inputs and outputs. Right now only acoustic inputs and outputs (e.g., microphones and speakers) are supported. Offers chirp, golay and tone-based calibration algorithms.

Getting started

Psiexperiment is a plugin-based system where the plugins determine the experiment workflow. At a minimum, an experiment must provide the following:

  • A list of parameters and/or results

  • The inputs and outputs that will be used

  • The stimuli (i.e., tokens) that will be generated

  • Actions to take when certain events occur.

Your experiment configuration file will define EXPERIMENT, which is the name of the experiment and will typically contain the following extensions:

enamldef ControllerManifest(BaseManifest): manifest:

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.sinks'
        point = ''

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.tokens'
        point = 'psi.token.tokens'

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.io'
        point = ''

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.selectors'
        point = 'psi.context.selectors'

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.context'
        point = 'psi.context.items'

        id = EXPERIMENT + '.actions'
        point = 'psi.controller.actions'

Let’s take a closer look at each of the extensions.


At a minimum, you will typically define the following two actions (customized for your needs):

    id = EXPERIMENT + '.actions'
    point = 'psi.controller.actions'

        event = 'experiment_initialize'
        command = 'psi.context.initialize'
        kwargs = {'selector': 'default', 'cycles': 1}

        event = 'engines_configured'
        command = 'dpoae.start'
        kwargs = {'delay': 0.5}

When you press the start button on the toolbar, this fires a sequence of three events, experiment_initialize, experiment_prepare and experiment_start. While experiment_initialize and experiment_prepare are very similar, certain actions may require that the context has been initialized. To simplify this, we have added experiment_initialize. The psi.context.initialize command should always be bound to this event (if it’s bound to experiment_prepare, you may get errors if commands bound to experiment_prepare need to get the current value of a variable).

Under the hood, the controller will configure the engines during the experiment_prepare phase. If you want to configure one of the outputs (in this case, dpoae) during this phase, be sure to bind it to the engine_configured event to ensure it gets executed after the engine is configured (the engine must be configured before it can properly receive waveform samples from the outputs).

Sequence of events during an experiment

  • plugins_started - All plugins have finished loading. Now, you can perform actions that may require access to another plugin; however, do not assume that the plugins have finished initializing. A number of logging actions are tied to this step.

  • experiment_initialize - All plugins should have been initialized. This is where you will typically initialize the context (and nothing else).

  • context_initialized - This only follows experiment_initialize if psi.context.initialize has properly been bound to experiment_initialize. The psi.context.finalize_io method is called during this event. During this step, all “orphan” inputs and outputs (i.e., ones where the target or source is specified by name rather than as part of the hierarchy) are connected.

  • experiment_prepare - The majority of actions required prior to starting an experiment should be tied to this event since the context will now be available for queries.

  • engines_configured - TODO

  • experiment_start - Starts the data acquisition engines.

  • experiment_end - Stops the data acquisition engines.

The power of actions

Actions allow you to insert your own code or invoke commands at any point in the experiment process. A few examples:

  • The abr_base.enaml file calls a custom function when the experiment_prepare event is called. This function reviews the settings specified by the user to determine the sequence of the tone pips (e.g., conventional vs. interleaved, alternating polarity, etc.) and sets up the queue accordingly. While it’s theoretically possible to set this using plugins offered by psiexperiment (e.g., alternating polarity could be specified as a “roving” context item), this custom function makes the user interface much simpler and more fool-proof.

  • The pistonphone_calibration.enaml file calls a custom function, calculate_sens once the experiment is complete to calculate the sensitivity of the microphone. Note that the callback for the custom function is defined inside the extension to the point.


Example of an input-output plugin:

    id = EXPERIMENT + '.io'
    point = ''

    Blocked: hw_ai:
        duration = 0.1
        name = 'hw_ai'
        source_name = C.input_channel
        source ::
            # Once the channel is linked
            channel.start_trigger = ''
            channel.samples = round(C.sample_duration * channel.fs)
            channel.input_gain = C.input_gain

C is a controller manifest-level variable that allows for lookup of values defined via the context.

Creating your own custom plugins

When defining your own subclasses of PSIManifest, we recommend the following naming convetions to minimize name collisions:

    id = + '.commands'
    point = 'enaml.workbench.core.commands'

        id = + '.do_action'

All subclasses of PSIManifest have access to the attached contribution (an instance of PSIContribution) as an attribute.

Common gotchas

  • Outputs and inputs are configured only if they are deemed active. If the output of a particular processing chain (e.g., microphone to IIR filter to extract epochs) is not saved to a data store or plotted, then it’s assumed it is not used. The controller will then omit this particular processing chain from the configuration to alleviate system load. This allows us to design intensive processing chains but allow the user to disable them easily by not plotting the result. However, this can be a bit tricky when defining your own custom sinks For example, there’s no target for AnalyzeDPOAE in dpoae_base.enaml (TODO finish).

  • When adding new attributes to subclasses of Declarative, be sure to use d_ as appropriate otherwise you will get a TypeError when attempting to assign to the attribute in an Enaml file.

  • Use set_default when setting default values for classes derived from Atom where the original attribute was defined in a superclass (hint, Declarative is a subclass of Atom):

class Channel(Declarative):
    name = Str('input_A')

class ChannelB(Channel)
    name = set_default('input_B')
  • Even if you define a ContinuousOutput, you still need to configure it to start using an ExperimentAction. Assuming your continuous output is named “masker”, then it’s as simple as adding the following action:

    event = 'engines_configured'
    command = 'masker.start'
  • You must always call psi.context.initialize. This is not automatically done for you for a variety of reasons. Usually it’s sufficient to insert the following action:

    event = 'experiment_initialize'
    command = 'psi.context.initialize'
    kwargs = {'selector': None}